Thursday, August 26, 2010

Column Encryption using DBMS_CRYPTO

Oracle Database 10g provides means to encrypt and decrypt your sensitive data using the built-in API called DBMS_CRYPTO. Using DBMS_CRYPTO API one can encrypt sensitive information like SSN, Credit Card Numbers, Debit Card Numbers, etc stored in the database as these are not supposed to be stored in plain text for security reasons.

Let’s  see how DBMS_CRYPTO can be used to encrypt data and also consider its performance implications.

create table emp(empid number, ename varchar2(100), ssn varchar2(80)); 
Table created.    

insert into emp values (1, 'SMITH',        123456701);    
1 row created. 
insert into emp values (2, 'ALLEN',        123456702);
 1 row created. 
 insert into emp values (3, 'WARD',         123456703); 
 1 row created. 

select * from emp; 
      EMPID ENAME                          SSN 
 ---------- ------------------------------ ------------- 
          1 SMITH                          123456701 
          2 ALLEN                          123456702 
          3 WARD                           123456703

The SSN has been inserted into the table in plain text and can be read by anybody having SELECT privilege on EMP table.

Now, let’s create a package using DBMS_CRYPTO API to handle encryption and decryption.

Create or replace package cryptit is 
Function encrypt_data( p_data IN VARCHAR2 ) Return RAW DETERMINISTIC; 
Function decrypt_data( p_data IN RAW ) Return VARCHAR2 DETERMINISTIC; 
End cryptit; 
 Package created. 
Create or replace package body cryptit is 
V_Key       RAW(128) := UTL_RAW.cast_to_raw('testkey1');          -- Key 
  Function encrypt_data( p_data IN VARCHAR2 ) Return RAW DETERMINISTIC 
   l_data RAW(2048) := utl_raw.cast_to_raw(p_data); 
   l_encrypted RAW(2048); 
   l_encrypted := dbms_crypto.encrypt                        -- Algorithm 
( src => l_data, 
                 typ => DBMS_CRYPTO.DES_CBC_PKCS5, 
   key => V_KEY ); 
   Return l_encrypted; 
END encrypt_data; 
Function decrypt_data( p_data IN RAW ) Return VARCHAR2 DETERMINISTIC 
l_decrypted RAW(2048); 
l_decrypted := dbms_crypto.decrypt                              -- Algorithm 
 ( src => p_data, 
key => V_KEY ); 
Return utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(l_decrypted); 
END decrypt_data; 
End cryptit; 

Package body created. 

The package body consists of functions to encrypt and decrypt data along with a key. As these functions will always output the same value for a specific input, we can make them Deterministic functions. (A Deterministic Function always returns the same result any time they are called with a specific set of input values.)

Let's now make use of these functions to encrypt our sensitive data.

update emp set ssn = cryptit.encrypt_data(ssn); 
3 rows updated. 

select * from emp; 
      EMPID ENAME                          SSN 
---------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------- 
         1 SMITH                          5F3168C22E54060DE7D97B31F7E38BB6 
         2 ALLEN                          5F3168C22E54060D0C2527FBBD3DCD6C 
         3 WARD                           5F3168C22E54060D8166D3757932A112 

When inserting new records we simply make use of "cryptit.encrypt_data" function in the INSERT statement.

insert into emp values( 4, 'NADVI', cryptit.encrypt_data(123456704)); 
1 row created. 
Commit complete. 

select * from emp; 
      EMPID ENAME                          SSN 
---------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- 
          1 SMITH                          5F3168C22E54060DE7D97B31F7E38BB6 
          2 ALLEN                          5F3168C22E54060D0C2527FBBD3DCD6C 
          3 WARD                           5F3168C22E54060D8166D3757932A112 
          4 NADVI                          5F3168C22E54060D2CFF7E7A35B14187 

 select empid, ename, cryptit.decrypt_data(ssn) decrypted_ssn, ssn from emp; 

     EMPID ENAME                          DECRYPTED_SSN   SSN 
 ---------- ------------------------------ --------------- ---------------------------------------- 
          1 SMITH                          123456701       5F3168C22E54060DE7D97B31F7E38BB6 
          2 ALLEN                          123456702       5F3168C22E54060D0C2527FBBD3DCD6C 
          3 WARD                           123456703       5F3168C22E54060D8166D3757932A112 
          4 NADVI                          123456704       5F3168C22E54060D2CFF7E7A35B14187 

All is fine as far as encryption is concerned, but lets see what happens when SSN is used in the WHERE clause of queries.

We will create an index on SSN and run a query against it.

create index t_ssn on emp(ssn);
Index created.

 select * from emp where ssn = cryptit.encrypt_data('123456701');

     EMPID ENAME                          SSN
---------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         1 SMITH                          5F3168C22E54060DE7D97B31F7E38BB6

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 2894032564

| Id  | Operation                   | Name  | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |       |     1 |   107 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| EMP   |     1 |   107 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN          | T_SSN |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   2 - access("SSN"=RAWTOHEX("CRYPTIT"."ENCRYPT_DATA"('123456701')))
   - dynamic sampling used for this statement

Well, the index "T_SSN" has been selected by the optimizer to be cost efficient. When a range of values is to be scanned, optimizer falls flat on its face as it has no idea and picks up FTS.

select * from emp where cryptit.decrypt_data(ssn) between '123456702' and '123456704';

     EMPID ENAME                          SSN
---------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         2 ALLEN                          5F3168C22E54060D0C2527FBBD3DCD6C
         3 WARD                           5F3168C22E54060D8166D3757932A112
         4 NADVI                          5F3168C22E54060D2CFF7E7A35B14187

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 3956160932
| Id  | Operation         | Name | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT  |      |     1 |   107 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  1 |  TABLE ACCESS FULL| EMP  |     1 |   107 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - filter("CRYPTIT"."DECRYPT_DATA"(HEXTORAW("SSN"))>='123456702'
              AND "CRYPTIT"."DECRYPT_DATA"(HEXTORAW("SSN"))<='123456704')
   - dynamic sampling used for this statement

We can also create Function Based Indexes on encrypted columns such that data is accessed faster with a better execution plan. This is the reason I have marked both ENCRYPT_DATA and DECRYPT_DATA as DETERMINISTIC functions.

create index f_ssn_idx on emp(cryptit.decrypt_data(ssn));

Index created.

select * from emp where cryptit.decrypt_data(ssn) between '123456702' and '123456704';

     EMPID ENAME                          SSN
---------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------------------
         2 ALLEN                          5F3168C22E54060D0C2527FBBD3DCD6C
         3 WARD                           5F3168C22E54060D8166D3757932A112
         4 NADVI                         5F3168C22E54060D2CFF7E7A35B14187

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 9274740

| Id  | Operation                   | Name      | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |           |     1 |   107 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| EMP       |     1 |   107 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN          | F_SSN_IDX |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |

Predicate Information (identified by operation id):

   2 - access("CRYPTIT"."DECRYPT_DATA"(HEXTORAW("SSN"))>='123456702' AND
   - dynamic sampling used for this statement

The optimizer has rightly picked up the Function based index to access requested data quickly.

DBMS_CRYPTO is a great way to encrypt sensitive data and we can also create indexes on the encrypted columns to speedup our queries. Lastly, remember to wrap the CRYPTIT package body so that the key is not exposed.

DBMS_CRYPTO can also be used to encrypted data recursively. Let us try to encrypt the already encrypted SSN from the above example.

select * from emp;

---------- -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         1 SMITH    5F3168C22E54060DE7D97B31F7E38BB6
         2 ALLEN    5F3168C22E54060D0C2527FBBD3DCD6C
         3 WARD     5F3168C22E54060D8166D3757932A112
         4 NADVI    5F3168C22E54060D2CFF7E7A35B14187

update emp set ssn = cryptit.encrypt_data(ssn);

4 rows updated.

select * from emp;

---------- -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         1 SMITH    455E357D80B1C81F91D52088DA0FE03A0C133D129CFC3879EE7A8DE993FD459DB5C9E1EBEF37062C
         2 ALLEN    455E357D80B1C81F91D52088DA0FE03A98FC410A71CE64D57935691692D433B770C5F8AF07C9113F
         3 WARD     455E357D80B1C81F91D52088DA0FE03A9D32D14FE64F41DD66BE7FEF4C31384F032C16826EAA4830
         4 NADVI    455E357D80B1C81F91D52088DA0FE03A04D5C0AD79E689EABD46F8EC335308E32D6F7E94167F6EDF


Commit complete.

select empid, ename, cryptit.decrypt_data(cryptit.decrypt_data(ssn)) decrypted_ssn, ssn from emp;

---------- -------- --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         1 SMITH    123456701       455E357D80B1C81F91D52088DA0FE03A0C133D129CFC3879EE7A8DE993FD459DB5C9E1EBEF37062C
         2 ALLEN    123456702       455E357D80B1C81F91D52088DA0FE03A98FC410A71CE64D57935691692D433B770C5F8AF07C9113F
         3 WARD     123456703       455E357D80B1C81F91D52088DA0FE03A9D32D14FE64F41DD66BE7FEF4C31384F032C16826EAA4830
         4 NADVI    123456704       455E357D80B1C81F91D52088DA0FE03A04D5C0AD79E689EABD46F8EC335308E32D6F7E94167F6EDF

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